

アーティスト一覧 > THE KILLERS
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[International Shipping Info]

We can delivery only in Japan, but you can use the overseas shipping services as below.

-Tenso JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en/
-Tenso com https://www.tenso.com/en
-Buyee https://buyee.jp/?lang=en

and more

You can shop in 4 steps.

Step0. Register your information with an overseas shipping service.
Step1. Shopping on our site.
Step2. Ship the purchased product to a dedicated warehouse in Japan.
Step3. Ship from the dedicated warehouse to your overseas address.

* Purchases can only be made in advance by credit card or PayPal (displayed "カード決済&銀行振替&PayPal支払い" in Japanese).



-Tenso JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en/
-Tenso com https://www.tenso.com/en
-Buyee https://buyee.jp/?lang=en


只需 4 步即可购物。

Step0. 在海外运输服务机构注册您的信息。
Step1. 在我们的网站上购物。
Step2. 将购买的产品运送到日本的专用仓库。
Step3. 从专用仓库发货到您的海外地址。

* 只能通过信用卡或 PayPal(日文显示 “カード決済&銀行振替&PayPal 支払い”)提前购买。

THE KILLERSのグッズが新入荷!

2012年リリースのアルバム『Battle Born』のタイトルグラフィックを落とし込んだTシャツ!


¥4,950 (税込)
(45ポイント 還元 )
サイズ 着丈 身幅 袖丈
M 71 51 18
L 75 56 19
XL 77 60 20
2XL 78 65 21


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[comment5] => [comment6] => [note] => サイズ,着丈,身幅,袖丈 M,71,51,18 L,75,56,19 XL,77,60,20 2XL,78,65,21 [comment1] => [bg_white] => [main_list_image] => 07011635_66825c3ba3b0b.jpg [main_comment] => THE KILLERSのグッズが新入荷! 2012年リリースのアルバム『Battle Born』のタイトルグラフィックを落とし込んだTシャツ! ※生産上の都合により仕様変更がある場合がございます。 ※海外製品のため、稀にわずかなシミやプリントのズレがある場合がありますのでご了承のうえお買い求め下さい。 こちら数量限定なのでお早めにどうぞ! 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[business_hour] => [law_company] => 激ロックエンタテインメント株式会社 [law_manager] => 米沢彰 [law_zip01] => 150 [law_zip02] => 0042 [law_zipcode] => [law_country_id] => [law_pref] => 13 [law_addr01] => 渋谷区宇田川町 [law_addr02] => 11-1柳光ビル別館B1F [law_tel01] => 03 [law_tel02] => 6455 [law_tel03] => 0469 [law_fax01] => [law_fax02] => [law_fax03] => [law_email] => support@gekirock.com [law_url] => https://shop.gekirock.com/ [law_term01] => 代引き手数料 330円 送料 [law_term02] => カートに商品を入れご注文ください [law_term03] => 「カード決済&銀行振替&PayPal支払い」、「代引き(到着時現金払い)」、「代引き(クレジットカード払い)」がご指定頂けます カード決済&銀行振替&PayPal支払いの詳細については https://www.paypal.com/jp/webapps/mpp/logo/about よりご確認頂けます [law_term04] => 商品到着時にお支払いください [law_term05] => 在庫のある商品は注文確定後もしくは入金確認後3営業日以内で商品発送いたします 福袋については、予約商品の場合は商品情報に記載の日程で発送致します。 それ以外の福袋商品については、注文確定後もしくは入金確認後4日以内に発送いたします。(年末年始などの発送休止期間は含みません) [law_term06] => 商品または発送などに瑕疵のある場合に限り弊社にて送料を負担し、返品、交換をお受けいたします ※お客様都合でのご注文後のキャンセルは承っておりません 商品到着後7日間以内にご連絡頂けなかった場合は、弊社不備であっても返品、交換を承りかねますことを何卒ご容赦下さい また、一度でも着用済、洗濯、クリーニング済の商品につきましてはいかなる理由でも返品、返金を承りかねます [law_term07] => [law_term08] => [law_term09] => [law_term10] => [email01] => support@gekirock.com [email02] => support@gekirock.com [email03] => support@gekirock.com [email04] => support@gekirock.com [free_rule] => 9000 [shop_name] => GEKIROCK CLOTHING [shop_kana] => ゲキクロ [shop_name_eng] => GEKIROCK CLOTHING [point_rate] => 1 [welcome_point] => 500 [update_date] => 2024-02-06 21:09:09 [top_tpl] => default1 [product_tpl] => default1 [detail_tpl] => default1 [mypage_tpl] => default1 [good_traded] => [message] => [regular_holiday_ids] => [latitude] => [longitude] => [downloadable_days] => 30 [downloadable_days_unlimited] => ) [plugin_activate_flg] => 1 [arrLimitPostMode] => Array ( [0] => cart [1] => add_favorite [2] => add_favorite_sphone [3] => select [4] => select2 [5] => selectItem ) [skip_load_page_layout] => [load_legacy_js] => [timeStart] => 1725567086.3224 [tpl_authority] => [objDisplay] => SC_Display_Ex Object ( [response] => SC_Response_Ex Object ( [contentType] => [body] => [statusCode] => [header] => Array ( ) [encoding] => ) [view] => SC_SiteView_Ex Object ( [_smarty] => Smarty Object *RECURSION* [objPage] => LC_Page_Products_Detail_Ex Object ( [arrSTATUS] => Array ( [1] => NEW [2] => 残りわずか [3] => ポイント2倍 [4] => オススメ [5] => 限定品 ) [arrSTATUS_IMAGE] => Array ( [1] => img/icon/ico_01.gif [2] => img/icon/ico_02.gif [3] => img/icon/ico_03.gif [4] => img/icon/ico_04.gif [5] => img/icon/ico_05.gif ) [arrDELIVERYDATE] => Array ( [1] => 即日 [2] => 1~2日後 [3] => 3~4日後 [4] => 1週間以降 [5] => 2週間以降 [6] => 3週間以降 [7] => 1ヶ月以降 [8] => 2ヶ月以降 [9] => お取り寄せ(商品入荷後) ) [arrRECOMMEND] => Array ( [5] => ★★★★★ [4] => ★★★★ [3] => ★★★ [2] => ★★ [1] => ★ ) [objFormParam] => SC_FormParam_Ex Object ( [arrValue] => Array ( [product_id] => 72258 ) [disp_name] => Array ( [0] => 規格1 [1] => 規格2 [2] => 数量 [3] => 管理者ログイン [4] => 商品ID [5] => お気に入り商品ID [6] => 商品規格ID ) [keyname] => Array ( [0] => classcategory_id1 [1] => classcategory_id2 [2] => quantity [3] => admin [4] => product_id [5] => favorite_product_id [6] => product_class_id ) [length] => Array ( [0] => 9 [1] => 9 [2] => 9 [3] => 9 [4] => 9 [5] => 9 [6] => 9 ) [convert] => Array ( [0] => n [1] => n [2] => n [3] => a [4] => n [5] => n [6] => n ) [arrCheck] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => NUM_CHECK [1] => MAX_LENGTH_CHECK ) [1] => Array ( [0] => NUM_CHECK [1] => MAX_LENGTH_CHECK ) [2] => Array ( [0] => EXIST_CHECK [1] => ZERO_CHECK [2] => NUM_CHECK [3] => MAX_LENGTH_CHECK ) [3] => Array ( [0] => ALNUM_CHECK [1] => MAX_LENGTH_CHECK ) [4] => Array ( [0] => EXIST_CHECK [1] => ZERO_CHECK [2] => NUM_CHECK [3] => MAX_LENGTH_CHECK ) [5] => Array ( [0] => ZERO_CHECK [1] => NUM_CHECK [2] => MAX_LENGTH_CHECK ) [6] => Array ( [0] => EXIST_CHECK [1] => NUM_CHECK [2] => MAX_LENGTH_CHECK ) ) [arrDefault] => Array ( [classcategory_id1] => [classcategory_id2] => [quantity] => [admin] => [product_id] => [favorite_product_id] => [product_class_id] => ) [input_db] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 1 [2] => 1 [3] => 1 [4] => 1 [5] => 1 [6] => 1 ) [html_disp_name] => Array ( ) [check_dir] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/upload/save_image/ ) [objUpFile] => SC_UploadFile_Ex Object ( [temp_dir] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/upload/temp_image/ [save_dir] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/upload/save_image/ [keyname] => Array ( [0] => main_image [1] => sub_image1 [2] => sub_image2 [3] => sub_image3 [4] => sub_image4 [5] => sub_image5 [6] => sub_image6 [7] => sub_image7 [8] => sub_image8 [9] => sub_image9 [10] => sub_image10 [11] => sub_image11 ) [width] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 0 [2] => 0 [3] => 0 [4] => 0 [5] => 0 [6] => 0 [7] => 0 [8] => 0 [9] => 0 [10] => 0 [11] => 0 ) [height] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 0 [2] => 0 [3] => 0 [4] => 0 [5] => 0 [6] => 0 [7] => 0 [8] => 0 [9] => 0 [10] => 0 [11] => 0 ) [arrExt] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) [1] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) [2] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) [3] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) [4] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) [5] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) [6] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) [7] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) [8] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) [9] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) [10] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) [11] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) ) [temp_file] => Array ( ) [save_file] => Array ( [0] => 07011635_66825c3b9a9b7.jpg [1] => 07011635_66825c450de56.jpg ) [disp_name] => Array ( [0] => 詳細-メイン画像 [1] => 詳細-サブ画像1 [2] => 詳細-サブ画像2 [3] => 詳細-サブ画像3 [4] => 詳細-サブ画像4 [5] => 詳細-サブ画像5 [6] => 詳細-サブ画像6 [7] => 詳細-サブ画像7 [8] => 詳細-サブ画像8 [9] => 詳細-サブ画像9 [10] => 詳細-サブ画像10 [11] => 詳細-サブ画像11 ) [size] => Array ( [0] => 1000 [1] => 1000 [2] => 1000 [3] => 1000 [4] => 1000 [5] => 1000 [6] => 1000 [7] => 1000 [8] => 1000 [9] => 1000 [10] => 1000 [11] => 1000 ) [necessary] => Array ( [0] => [1] => [2] => [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => ) [image] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 1 [2] => 1 [3] => 1 [4] => 1 [5] => 1 [6] => 1 [7] => 1 [8] => 1 [9] => 1 [10] => 1 [11] => 1 ) [file_max] => 0 ) [mode] => [arrProduct] => Array ( [product_id] => 72258 [name] => THE KILLERS バンドTシャツ ユニセックス : THE KILLERS BATTLE BORN [status] => 1 [product_flag] => [main_list_comment] => THE KILLERS [comment2] => T-Shirt [comment3] => [comment4] => [comment5] => [comment6] => [note] => サイズ,着丈,身幅,袖丈 M,71,51,18 L,75,56,19 XL,77,60,20 2XL,78,65,21 [comment1] => [bg_white] => [main_list_image] => 07011635_66825c3ba3b0b.jpg [main_comment] => THE KILLERSのグッズが新入荷! 2012年リリースのアルバム『Battle Born』のタイトルグラフィックを落とし込んだTシャツ! ※生産上の都合により仕様変更がある場合がございます。 ※海外製品のため、稀にわずかなシミやプリントのズレがある場合がありますのでご了承のうえお買い求め下さい。 こちら数量限定なのでお早めにどうぞ! [main_image] => 07011635_66825c3b9a9b7.jpg [main_large_image] => 07011635_66825c3b8bffa.jpg [sub_title1] => 1 [sub_comment1] => [sub_image1] => 07011635_66825c450de56.jpg [sub_large_image1] => 07011635_66825c44f2be4.jpg [sub_title2] => [sub_comment2] => [sub_image2] => [sub_large_image2] => [sub_title3] => [sub_comment3] => [sub_image3] => [sub_large_image3] => [sub_title4] => [sub_comment4] => [sub_image4] => [sub_large_image4] => [sub_title5] => [sub_comment5] => [sub_image5] => [sub_large_image5] => [sub_title6] => [sub_comment6] => [sub_image6] => [sub_large_image6] => [sub_title7] => [sub_comment7] => [sub_image7] => [sub_large_image7] => [sub_title8] => [sub_comment8] => [sub_image8] => [sub_large_image8] => [sub_title9] => [sub_comment9] => [sub_image9] => [sub_large_image9] => [sub_title10] => [sub_comment10] => [sub_image10] => [sub_large_image10] => [sub_title11] => [sub_comment11] => [sub_image11] => [sub_large_image11] => [del_flg] => 0 [creator_id] => 2 [create_date] => 2024-07-01 16:28:25 [update_date] => 2024-09-03 21:16:09 [deliv_date_id] => 1 [zaiko_no_count] => [fkbkr_flg] => 0 [color] => 1 [sale_flg] => 0 [amortize_flg] => 0 [exclude_flg] => 0 [reshoot_flg] => 0 [sales_datetime] => [sales_end_datetime] => [open_datetime] => 2024-07-08 16:00:00 [deliv_date] => [tweet] => [maker_id] => 112 [sale_limit] => [not_rakuten] => 0 [movie] => [movie_s] => [exclude_stock_check] => 0 [guerrilla_flg] => 0 [no_cod] => 0 [rakuten_genre_id] => [product_code_min] => THE KILLERS バンドTシャツ ユニセックス : THE KILLERS BATTLE BORN [product_code_max] => THE KILLERS バンドTシャツ ユニセックス : THE KILLERS BATTLE BORN [price01_min] => 1847 [price01_max] => 1847 [price02_min] => 4500 [price02_max] => 4500 [price03_min] => [price03_max] => [stock_min] => 1 [stock_max] => 2 [stock_unlimited_min] => 0 [stock_unlimited_max] => 0 [point_rate] => 1 [deliv_fee] => [maker_name] => ROCK OFF [price01_min_inctax] => 2032 [price01_max_inctax] => 2032 [price02_min_inctax] => 4950 [price02_max_inctax] => 4950 [price03_min_inctax] => [price03_max_inctax] => ) [tpl_class_name1] => サイズ [tpl_class_name2] => [tpl_stock_find] => 1 [arrClassCat1] => Array ( [__unselected] => 選択してください [13] => M 1 2856827 [12] => L 2 2856828 [11] => XL 1 2856829 [159] => 2XL 1 2856830 ) [tpl_classcat_find1] => 1 [tpl_classcat_find2] => [tpl_product_class_id] => 2856827 [tpl_product_type] => 1 [js_lnOnload] => fnSetClassCategories(document.form1, ""); [tpl_product_id] => 72258 [arrForm] => Array ( [classcategory_id1] => Array ( [keyname] => classcategory_id1 [disp_name] => 規格1 [length] => 9 [value] => ) [classcategory_id2] => Array ( [keyname] => classcategory_id2 [disp_name] => 規格2 [length] => 9 [value] => ) [quantity] => Array ( [keyname] => quantity [disp_name] => 数量 [length] => 9 [value] => ) [admin] => Array ( [keyname] => admin [disp_name] => 管理者ログイン [length] => 9 [value] => ) [product_id] => Array ( [keyname] => product_id [disp_name] => 商品ID [length] => 9 [value] => 72258 ) [favorite_product_id] => 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BORN","product_class_id":"2856829","product_type":"1"}},"159":{"#":{"classcategory_id2":"","name":"\u9078\u629e\u3057\u3066\u304f\u3060\u3055\u3044"},"#0":{"classcategory_id2":"0","name":"\t1\t2856830","stock_find":true,"price01":"2,032","price02":"4,950","price03":"","point":"45","product_code":"THE KILLERS \u30d0\u30f3\u30c9T\u30b7\u30e3\u30c4 \u30e6\u30cb\u30bb\u30c3\u30af\u30b9 : THE KILLERS BATTLE BORN","product_class_id":"2856830","product_type":"1"}}};function lnOnLoad() {fnSetClassCategories(document.form1, ""); } [tpl_title] => 商品詳細ページ [tpl_login_email] => [tpl_onload] => lnOnLoad(); [transactionid] => 8af16c4055130a78b6986305d5cb07f70c69de25 [template] => site_frame.tpl [arrSiteInfo] => Array ( [id] => 1 [company_name] => 激ロックエンタテインメント株式会社 [company_kana] => ゲキロックエンタテインメント [zip01] => 150 [zip02] => 0042 [zipcode] => [country_id] => 392 [pref] => 13 [addr01] => 渋谷区宇田川町 [addr02] => 36-19 名畑ビル4F [tel01] => 03 [tel02] => 6455 [tel03] => 0469 [fax01] => [fax02] => [fax03] => [business_hour] => [law_company] => 激ロックエンタテインメント株式会社 [law_manager] => 米沢彰 [law_zip01] => 150 [law_zip02] => 0042 [law_zipcode] => [law_country_id] => [law_pref] => 13 [law_addr01] => 渋谷区宇田川町 [law_addr02] => 11-1柳光ビル別館B1F [law_tel01] => 03 [law_tel02] => 6455 [law_tel03] => 0469 [law_fax01] => [law_fax02] => [law_fax03] => [law_email] => support@gekirock.com [law_url] => https://shop.gekirock.com/ [law_term01] => 代引き手数料 330円 送料 [law_term02] => カートに商品を入れご注文ください [law_term03] => 「カード決済&銀行振替&PayPal支払い」、「代引き(到着時現金払い)」、「代引き(クレジットカード払い)」がご指定頂けます カード決済&銀行振替&PayPal支払いの詳細については https://www.paypal.com/jp/webapps/mpp/logo/about よりご確認頂けます [law_term04] => 商品到着時にお支払いください [law_term05] => 在庫のある商品は注文確定後もしくは入金確認後3営業日以内で商品発送いたします 福袋については、予約商品の場合は商品情報に記載の日程で発送致します。 それ以外の福袋商品については、注文確定後もしくは入金確認後4日以内に発送いたします。(年末年始などの発送休止期間は含みません) [law_term06] => 商品または発送などに瑕疵のある場合に限り弊社にて送料を負担し、返品、交換をお受けいたします ※お客様都合でのご注文後のキャンセルは承っておりません 商品到着後7日間以内にご連絡頂けなかった場合は、弊社不備であっても返品、交換を承りかねますことを何卒ご容赦下さい また、一度でも着用済、洗濯、クリーニング済の商品につきましてはいかなる理由でも返品、返金を承りかねます [law_term07] => [law_term08] => [law_term09] => [law_term10] => [email01] => support@gekirock.com [email02] => support@gekirock.com [email03] => support@gekirock.com [email04] => support@gekirock.com [free_rule] => 9000 [shop_name] => GEKIROCK CLOTHING [shop_kana] => ゲキクロ [shop_name_eng] => GEKIROCK CLOTHING [point_rate] => 1 [welcome_point] => 500 [update_date] => 2024-02-06 21:09:09 [top_tpl] => default1 [product_tpl] => default1 [detail_tpl] => default1 [mypage_tpl] => default1 [good_traded] => [message] => [regular_holiday_ids] => [latitude] => [longitude] => [downloadable_days] => 30 [downloadable_days_unlimited] => ) [plugin_activate_flg] => 1 [arrLimitPostMode] => Array ( [0] => cart [1] => add_favorite [2] => add_favorite_sphone [3] => select [4] => select2 [5] => selectItem ) [skip_load_page_layout] => [load_legacy_js] => [timeStart] => 1725567086.3224 [tpl_authority] => [objDisplay] => SC_Display_Ex Object *RECURSION* [arrPageLayout] => Array ( [device_type_id] => 10 [page_id] => 3 [page_name] => 商品詳細ページ [url] => products/detail.php [filename] => products/detail [header_chk] => 1 [footer_chk] => 1 [edit_flg] => 2 [author] => 激ロックエンタテインメント株式会社 [description] => [keyword] => [update_url] => https://shop.gekirock.com/Q5iZNLju/design/main_edit.php?page_id=3&device_type_id=10 [create_date] => 2019-11-05 18:04:13 [update_date] => 2024-07-22 18:15:31 [meta_robots] => [LeftNavi] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [device_type_id] => 10 [page_id] => 1 [target_id] => 1 [bloc_id] => 17 [bloc_row] => 1 [anywhere] => 1 [bloc_name] => シンプル検索ブロック(左用) [tpl_path] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/../data/Smarty/templates/elementary/frontparts/bloc/simple_block.tpl [filename] => simple_block [create_date] => 2019-11-17 15:18:10 [update_date] => 2020-09-15 23:43:59 [php_path] => [deletable_flg] => 1 [plugin_id] => ) [1] => Array ( [device_type_id] => 10 [page_id] => 1 [target_id] => 1 [bloc_id] => 3 [bloc_row] => 2 [anywhere] => 1 [bloc_name] => カゴの中 [tpl_path] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/../data/Smarty/templates/elementary/frontparts/bloc/cart.tpl [filename] => cart [create_date] => 2019-11-05 18:04:11 [update_date] => 2019-11-18 23:34:42 [php_path] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/frontparts/bloc/cart.php [deletable_flg] => 0 [plugin_id] => ) [2] => Array ( [device_type_id] => 10 [page_id] => 1 [target_id] => 1 [bloc_id] => 13 [bloc_row] => 3 [anywhere] => 1 [bloc_name] => 新カテゴリー [tpl_path] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/../data/Smarty/templates/elementary/frontparts/bloc/new_category.tpl [filename] => new_category [create_date] => 2019-11-12 21:59:10 [update_date] => 2024-05-01 22:03:47 [php_path] => [deletable_flg] => 1 [plugin_id] => ) [3] => Array ( [device_type_id] => 10 [page_id] => 1 [target_id] => 1 [bloc_id] => 2 [bloc_row] => 4 [anywhere] => 1 [bloc_name] => 利用ガイド [tpl_path] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/../data/Smarty/templates/elementary/frontparts/bloc/guide.tpl [filename] => guide [create_date] => 2019-11-05 18:04:11 [update_date] => 2019-11-05 18:04:11 [php_path] => [deletable_flg] => 0 [plugin_id] => ) ) [HeadNavi] => ) [tpl_page_class_name] => LC_Page_Products_Detail ) ) [deviceSeted] => 1 ) [arrPageLayout] => Array ( [device_type_id] => 10 [page_id] => 3 [page_name] => 商品詳細ページ [url] => products/detail.php [filename] => products/detail [header_chk] => 1 [footer_chk] => 1 [edit_flg] => 2 [author] => 激ロックエンタテインメント株式会社 [description] => [keyword] => [update_url] => https://shop.gekirock.com/Q5iZNLju/design/main_edit.php?page_id=3&device_type_id=10 [create_date] => 2019-11-05 18:04:13 [update_date] => 2024-07-22 18:15:31 [meta_robots] => [LeftNavi] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [device_type_id] => 10 [page_id] => 1 [target_id] => 1 [bloc_id] => 17 [bloc_row] => 1 [anywhere] => 1 [bloc_name] => シンプル検索ブロック(左用) [tpl_path] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/../data/Smarty/templates/elementary/frontparts/bloc/simple_block.tpl [filename] => simple_block [create_date] => 2019-11-17 15:18:10 [update_date] => 2020-09-15 23:43:59 [php_path] => [deletable_flg] => 1 [plugin_id] => ) [1] => Array ( [device_type_id] => 10 [page_id] => 1 [target_id] => 1 [bloc_id] => 3 [bloc_row] => 2 [anywhere] => 1 [bloc_name] => カゴの中 [tpl_path] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/../data/Smarty/templates/elementary/frontparts/bloc/cart.tpl [filename] => cart [create_date] => 2019-11-05 18:04:11 [update_date] => 2019-11-18 23:34:42 [php_path] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/frontparts/bloc/cart.php [deletable_flg] => 0 [plugin_id] => ) [2] => Array ( [device_type_id] => 10 [page_id] => 1 [target_id] => 1 [bloc_id] => 13 [bloc_row] => 3 [anywhere] => 1 [bloc_name] => 新カテゴリー [tpl_path] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/../data/Smarty/templates/elementary/frontparts/bloc/new_category.tpl [filename] => new_category [create_date] => 2019-11-12 21:59:10 [update_date] => 2024-05-01 22:03:47 [php_path] => [deletable_flg] => 1 [plugin_id] => ) [3] => Array ( [device_type_id] => 10 [page_id] => 1 [target_id] => 1 [bloc_id] => 2 [bloc_row] => 4 [anywhere] => 1 [bloc_name] => 利用ガイド [tpl_path] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/../data/Smarty/templates/elementary/frontparts/bloc/guide.tpl [filename] => guide [create_date] => 2019-11-05 18:04:11 [update_date] => 2019-11-05 18:04:11 [php_path] => [deletable_flg] => 0 [plugin_id] => ) ) [HeadNavi] => ) [tpl_page_class_name] => LC_Page_Products_Detail [GLOBAL_ERR] => [app_point_cp] => 0 [key] => 159 [ikey] => sub_image11 [ckey] => sub_comment1 [lkey] => sub_large_image1 [thumbnum] => 2 [ps] => [add_favorite] => add_favorite [status] => 2XL 1 2856830 [array] => Array ( [0] => サイズ,着丈,身幅,袖丈 [1] => M,71,51,18 [2] => L,75,56,19 [3] => XL,77,60,20 [4] => 2XL,78,65,21 ) [line] => 2XL,78,65,21 [data] => Array ( [0] => 2XL [1] => 78 [2] => 65 [3] => 21 ) [val] => 21 ) [_smarty_vars] => [_sections] => Array ( [cnt] => Array ( [name] => cnt [loop] => 11 [show] => 1 [max] => 11 [step] => 1 [start] => 0 [total] => 11 [index] => 11 [iteration] => 12 [rownum] => 11 [index_prev] => 9 [index_next] => 11 [first] => [last] => 1 ) [r] => Array ( [name] => r [loop] => 3 [show] => 1 [max] => 3 [step] => 1 [start] => 0 [total] => 3 [index] => 3 [iteration] => 4 [rownum] => 3 [index_prev] => 1 [index_next] => 3 [first] => [last] => 1 ) [s] => Array ( [name] => s [loop] => 2 [show] => 1 [max] => 2 [step] => 1 [start] => 0 [total] => 2 [index] => 2 [iteration] => 3 [rownum] => 2 [index_prev] => 0 [index_next] => 2 [first] => [last] => 1 ) ) [_foreach] => Array ( [lineeach] => Array ( [total] => 5 [iteration] => 5 ) ) [_tag_stack] => Array ( ) [_conf_obj] => [_config] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [vars] => Array ( ) [files] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [vars] => Array ( ) [files] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [vars] => Array ( ) [files] => Array ( ) ) ) [_smarty_md5] => f8d698aea36fcbead2b9d5359ffca76f [_version] => 2.6.27 [_inclusion_depth] => -1 [_compile_id] => [_smarty_debug_id] => SMARTY_DEBUG [_smarty_debug_info] => Array ( ) [_cache_info] => Array ( ) [_file_perms] => 420 [_dir_perms] => 505 [_reg_objects] => Array ( ) [_plugins] => Array ( [modifier] => Array ( [sfDispDBDate] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => SC_Utils_Ex [1] => sfDispDBDate ) [1] => [2] => [3] => ) [sfGetErrorColor] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => SC_Utils_Ex [1] => sfGetErrorColor ) [1] => [2] => [3] => ) [sfTrim] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => SC_Utils_Ex [1] => sfTrim ) [1] => [2] => [3] => ) [sfCalcIncTax] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => SC_Helper_DB_Ex [1] => sfCalcIncTax ) [1] => [2] => [3] => ) [sfPrePoint] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => SC_Utils_Ex [1] => sfPrePoint ) [1] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/../data/Smarty/templates/elementary/products/detail.tpl [2] => 369 [3] => 1 [4] => 1 ) [sfGetChecked] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => SC_Utils_Ex [1] => sfGetChecked ) [1] => [2] => [3] => ) [sfTrimURL] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => SC_Utils_Ex [1] => sfTrimURL ) [1] => [2] => [3] => ) [sfMultiply] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => SC_Utils_Ex [1] => sfMultiply ) [1] => [2] => [3] => ) [sfRmDupSlash] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => SC_Utils_Ex [1] => sfRmDupSlash ) [1] => [2] => [3] => ) [sfCutString] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => SC_Utils_Ex [1] => sfCutString ) [1] => [2] => [3] => ) [sfMbConvertEncoding] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => SC_Utils_Ex [1] => sfMbConvertEncoding ) [1] => [2] => [3] => ) [sfGetEnabled] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => SC_Utils_Ex [1] => sfGetEnabled ) [1] => [2] => [3] => ) [sfNoImageMainList] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => SC_Utils_Ex [1] => sfNoImageMainList ) [1] => [2] => [3] => ) [script_escape] => Array ( [0] => smarty_modifier_script_escape [1] => site_frame.tpl [2] => 9 [3] => 1 [4] => 1 ) [h] => Array ( [0] => smarty_modifier_h [1] => site_frame.tpl [2] => 108 [3] => 1 [4] => 1 ) [strlen] => Array ( [0] => strlen [1] => site_frame.tpl [2] => 127 [3] => 1 [4] => 1 ) [count] => Array ( [0] => count [1] => site_frame.tpl [2] => 251 [3] => 1 [4] => 1 ) [nl2br_html] => Array ( [0] => smarty_modifier_nl2br_html [1] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/../data/Smarty/templates/elementary/products/detail.tpl [2] => 308 [3] => 1 [4] => 1 ) [date_format] => Array ( [0] => smarty_modifier_date_format [1] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/../data/Smarty/templates/elementary/products/detail.tpl [2] => 311 [3] => 1 [4] => 1 ) [substr] => Array ( [0] => substr [1] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/../data/Smarty/templates/elementary/products/detail.tpl [2] => 312 [3] => 1 [4] => 1 ) [number_format] => Array ( [0] => number_format [1] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/../data/Smarty/templates/elementary/products/detail.tpl [2] => 323 [3] => 1 [4] => 1 ) [explode] => Array ( [0] => explode [1] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/../data/Smarty/templates/elementary/products/detail.tpl [2] => 408 [3] => 1 [4] => 1 ) ) [function] => Array ( [sfIsHTTPS] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => SC_Utils_Ex [1] => sfIsHTTPS ) [1] => [2] => [3] => [4] => 1 [5] => ) [sfSetErrorStyle] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => SC_Utils_Ex [1] => sfSetErrorStyle ) [1] => [2] => [3] => [4] => 1 [5] => ) [printXMLDeclaration] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => GC_Utils_Ex [1] => printXMLDeclaration ) [1] => site_frame.tpl [2] => 8 [3] => 1 [4] => 1 [5] => ) ) [block] => Array ( ) [compiler] => Array ( ) [prefilter] => Array ( [SC_SiteView_Ex_prefilter_transform] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => SC_SiteView_Ex Object ( [_smarty] => Smarty Object *RECURSION* [objPage] => LC_Page_Products_Detail_Ex Object ( [arrSTATUS] => Array ( [1] => NEW [2] => 残りわずか [3] => ポイント2倍 [4] => オススメ [5] => 限定品 ) [arrSTATUS_IMAGE] => Array ( [1] => img/icon/ico_01.gif [2] => img/icon/ico_02.gif [3] => img/icon/ico_03.gif [4] => img/icon/ico_04.gif [5] => img/icon/ico_05.gif ) [arrDELIVERYDATE] => Array ( [1] => 即日 [2] => 1~2日後 [3] => 3~4日後 [4] => 1週間以降 [5] => 2週間以降 [6] => 3週間以降 [7] => 1ヶ月以降 [8] => 2ヶ月以降 [9] => お取り寄せ(商品入荷後) ) [arrRECOMMEND] => Array ( [5] => ★★★★★ [4] => ★★★★ [3] => ★★★ [2] => ★★ [1] => ★ ) [objFormParam] => SC_FormParam_Ex Object ( [arrValue] => Array ( [product_id] => 72258 ) [disp_name] => Array ( [0] => 規格1 [1] => 規格2 [2] => 数量 [3] => 管理者ログイン [4] => 商品ID [5] => お気に入り商品ID [6] => 商品規格ID ) [keyname] => Array ( [0] => classcategory_id1 [1] => classcategory_id2 [2] => quantity [3] => admin [4] => product_id [5] => favorite_product_id [6] => product_class_id ) [length] => Array ( [0] => 9 [1] => 9 [2] => 9 [3] => 9 [4] => 9 [5] => 9 [6] => 9 ) [convert] => Array ( [0] => n [1] => n [2] => n [3] => a [4] => n [5] => n [6] => n ) [arrCheck] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => NUM_CHECK [1] => MAX_LENGTH_CHECK ) [1] => Array ( [0] => NUM_CHECK [1] => MAX_LENGTH_CHECK ) [2] => Array ( [0] => EXIST_CHECK [1] => ZERO_CHECK [2] => NUM_CHECK [3] => MAX_LENGTH_CHECK ) [3] => Array ( [0] => ALNUM_CHECK [1] => MAX_LENGTH_CHECK ) [4] => Array ( [0] => EXIST_CHECK [1] => ZERO_CHECK [2] => NUM_CHECK [3] => MAX_LENGTH_CHECK ) [5] => Array ( [0] => ZERO_CHECK [1] => NUM_CHECK [2] => MAX_LENGTH_CHECK ) [6] => Array ( [0] => EXIST_CHECK [1] => NUM_CHECK [2] => MAX_LENGTH_CHECK ) ) [arrDefault] => Array ( [classcategory_id1] => [classcategory_id2] => [quantity] => [admin] => [product_id] => [favorite_product_id] => [product_class_id] => ) [input_db] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 1 [2] => 1 [3] => 1 [4] => 1 [5] => 1 [6] => 1 ) [html_disp_name] => Array ( ) [check_dir] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/upload/save_image/ ) [objUpFile] => SC_UploadFile_Ex Object ( [temp_dir] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/upload/temp_image/ [save_dir] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/upload/save_image/ [keyname] => Array ( [0] => main_image [1] => sub_image1 [2] => sub_image2 [3] => sub_image3 [4] => sub_image4 [5] => sub_image5 [6] => sub_image6 [7] => sub_image7 [8] => sub_image8 [9] => sub_image9 [10] => sub_image10 [11] => sub_image11 ) [width] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 0 [2] => 0 [3] => 0 [4] => 0 [5] => 0 [6] => 0 [7] => 0 [8] => 0 [9] => 0 [10] => 0 [11] => 0 ) [height] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 0 [2] => 0 [3] => 0 [4] => 0 [5] => 0 [6] => 0 [7] => 0 [8] => 0 [9] => 0 [10] => 0 [11] => 0 ) [arrExt] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) [1] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) [2] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) [3] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) [4] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) [5] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) [6] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) [7] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) [8] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) [9] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) [10] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) [11] => Array ( [0] => jpg ) ) [temp_file] => Array ( ) [save_file] => Array ( [0] => 07011635_66825c3b9a9b7.jpg [1] => 07011635_66825c450de56.jpg ) [disp_name] => Array ( [0] => 詳細-メイン画像 [1] => 詳細-サブ画像1 [2] => 詳細-サブ画像2 [3] => 詳細-サブ画像3 [4] => 詳細-サブ画像4 [5] => 詳細-サブ画像5 [6] => 詳細-サブ画像6 [7] => 詳細-サブ画像7 [8] => 詳細-サブ画像8 [9] => 詳細-サブ画像9 [10] => 詳細-サブ画像10 [11] => 詳細-サブ画像11 ) [size] => Array ( [0] => 1000 [1] => 1000 [2] => 1000 [3] => 1000 [4] => 1000 [5] => 1000 [6] => 1000 [7] => 1000 [8] => 1000 [9] => 1000 [10] => 1000 [11] => 1000 ) [necessary] => Array ( [0] => [1] => [2] => [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => ) [image] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 1 [2] => 1 [3] => 1 [4] => 1 [5] => 1 [6] => 1 [7] => 1 [8] => 1 [9] => 1 [10] => 1 [11] => 1 ) [file_max] => 0 ) [mode] => [arrProduct] => Array ( [product_id] => 72258 [name] => THE KILLERS バンドTシャツ ユニセックス : THE KILLERS BATTLE BORN [status] => 1 [product_flag] => [main_list_comment] => THE KILLERS [comment2] => T-Shirt [comment3] => [comment4] => [comment5] => [comment6] => [note] => サイズ,着丈,身幅,袖丈 M,71,51,18 L,75,56,19 XL,77,60,20 2XL,78,65,21 [comment1] => [bg_white] => [main_list_image] => 07011635_66825c3ba3b0b.jpg [main_comment] => THE KILLERSのグッズが新入荷! 2012年リリースのアルバム『Battle Born』のタイトルグラフィックを落とし込んだTシャツ! ※生産上の都合により仕様変更がある場合がございます。 ※海外製品のため、稀にわずかなシミやプリントのズレがある場合がありますのでご了承のうえお買い求め下さい。 こちら数量限定なのでお早めにどうぞ! [main_image] => 07011635_66825c3b9a9b7.jpg [main_large_image] => 07011635_66825c3b8bffa.jpg [sub_title1] => 1 [sub_comment1] => [sub_image1] => 07011635_66825c450de56.jpg [sub_large_image1] => 07011635_66825c44f2be4.jpg [sub_title2] => [sub_comment2] => [sub_image2] => [sub_large_image2] => [sub_title3] => [sub_comment3] => [sub_image3] => [sub_large_image3] => [sub_title4] => [sub_comment4] => [sub_image4] => [sub_large_image4] => [sub_title5] => [sub_comment5] => [sub_image5] => [sub_large_image5] => [sub_title6] => [sub_comment6] => [sub_image6] => [sub_large_image6] => [sub_title7] => [sub_comment7] => [sub_image7] => [sub_large_image7] => [sub_title8] => [sub_comment8] => [sub_image8] => [sub_large_image8] => [sub_title9] => [sub_comment9] => [sub_image9] => [sub_large_image9] => [sub_title10] => [sub_comment10] => [sub_image10] => [sub_large_image10] => [sub_title11] => [sub_comment11] => [sub_image11] => [sub_large_image11] => [del_flg] => 0 [creator_id] => 2 [create_date] => 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[business_hour] => [law_company] => 激ロックエンタテインメント株式会社 [law_manager] => 米沢彰 [law_zip01] => 150 [law_zip02] => 0042 [law_zipcode] => [law_country_id] => [law_pref] => 13 [law_addr01] => 渋谷区宇田川町 [law_addr02] => 11-1柳光ビル別館B1F [law_tel01] => 03 [law_tel02] => 6455 [law_tel03] => 0469 [law_fax01] => [law_fax02] => [law_fax03] => [law_email] => support@gekirock.com [law_url] => https://shop.gekirock.com/ [law_term01] => 代引き手数料 330円 送料 [law_term02] => カートに商品を入れご注文ください [law_term03] => 「カード決済&銀行振替&PayPal支払い」、「代引き(到着時現金払い)」、「代引き(クレジットカード払い)」がご指定頂けます カード決済&銀行振替&PayPal支払いの詳細については https://www.paypal.com/jp/webapps/mpp/logo/about よりご確認頂けます [law_term04] => 商品到着時にお支払いください [law_term05] => 在庫のある商品は注文確定後もしくは入金確認後3営業日以内で商品発送いたします 福袋については、予約商品の場合は商品情報に記載の日程で発送致します。 それ以外の福袋商品については、注文確定後もしくは入金確認後4日以内に発送いたします。(年末年始などの発送休止期間は含みません) [law_term06] => 商品または発送などに瑕疵のある場合に限り弊社にて送料を負担し、返品、交換をお受けいたします ※お客様都合でのご注文後のキャンセルは承っておりません 商品到着後7日間以内にご連絡頂けなかった場合は、弊社不備であっても返品、交換を承りかねますことを何卒ご容赦下さい また、一度でも着用済、洗濯、クリーニング済の商品につきましてはいかなる理由でも返品、返金を承りかねます [law_term07] => [law_term08] => [law_term09] => [law_term10] => [email01] => support@gekirock.com [email02] => support@gekirock.com [email03] => support@gekirock.com [email04] => support@gekirock.com [free_rule] => 9000 [shop_name] => GEKIROCK CLOTHING [shop_kana] => ゲキクロ [shop_name_eng] => GEKIROCK CLOTHING [point_rate] => 1 [welcome_point] => 500 [update_date] => 2024-02-06 21:09:09 [top_tpl] => default1 [product_tpl] => default1 [detail_tpl] => default1 [mypage_tpl] => default1 [good_traded] => [message] => [regular_holiday_ids] => [latitude] => [longitude] => [downloadable_days] => 30 [downloadable_days_unlimited] => ) [plugin_activate_flg] => 1 [arrLimitPostMode] => Array ( [0] => cart [1] => add_favorite [2] => add_favorite_sphone [3] => select [4] => select2 [5] => selectItem ) [skip_load_page_layout] => [load_legacy_js] => [timeStart] => 1725567086.3224 [tpl_authority] => [objDisplay] => SC_Display_Ex Object ( [response] => 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[2] => 1~2日後 [3] => 3~4日後 [4] => 1週間以降 [5] => 2週間以降 [6] => 3週間以降 [7] => 1ヶ月以降 [8] => 2ヶ月以降 [9] => お取り寄せ(商品入荷後) ) [arrRECOMMEND] => Array ( [5] => ★★★★★ [4] => ★★★★ [3] => ★★★ [2] => ★★ [1] => ★ ) [objFormParam] => SC_FormParam_Ex Object ( [arrValue] => Array ( [product_id] => 72258 ) [disp_name] => Array ( [0] => 規格1 [1] => 規格2 [2] => 数量 [3] => 管理者ログイン [4] => 商品ID [5] => お気に入り商品ID [6] => 商品規格ID ) [keyname] => Array ( [0] => classcategory_id1 [1] => classcategory_id2 [2] => quantity [3] => admin [4] => product_id [5] => favorite_product_id [6] => product_class_id ) [length] => Array ( [0] => 9 [1] => 9 [2] => 9 [3] => 9 [4] => 9 [5] => 9 [6] => 9 ) [convert] => Array ( [0] => n [1] => n [2] => n [3] => a [4] => n [5] => n [6] => n ) [arrCheck] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => NUM_CHECK [1] => MAX_LENGTH_CHECK ) [1] => Array ( [0] => NUM_CHECK [1] => MAX_LENGTH_CHECK ) [2] => Array ( [0] => EXIST_CHECK [1] => ZERO_CHECK [2] => NUM_CHECK [3] => MAX_LENGTH_CHECK ) [3] => Array ( [0] => ALNUM_CHECK [1] => MAX_LENGTH_CHECK ) [4] => Array ( [0] => EXIST_CHECK [1] => ZERO_CHECK [2] => NUM_CHECK [3] => MAX_LENGTH_CHECK ) [5] => Array ( [0] => ZERO_CHECK [1] => NUM_CHECK [2] => MAX_LENGTH_CHECK ) [6] => Array ( [0] => EXIST_CHECK [1] => NUM_CHECK [2] => MAX_LENGTH_CHECK ) ) [arrDefault] => Array ( [classcategory_id1] => [classcategory_id2] => [quantity] => [admin] => [product_id] => [favorite_product_id] => [product_class_id] => ) [input_db] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 1 [2] => 1 [3] => 1 [4] => 1 [5] => 1 [6] => 1 ) [html_disp_name] => Array ( ) [check_dir] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/upload/save_image/ ) [objUpFile] => SC_UploadFile_Ex Object ( [temp_dir] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/upload/temp_image/ [save_dir] => /mnt/ssd/sites/shop.gekirock.com/html/upload/save_image/ [keyname] => Array ( [0] => main_image [1] => sub_image1 [2] => sub_image2 [3] => sub_image3 [4] => sub_image4 [5] => sub_image5 [6] => sub_image6 [7] => sub_image7 [8] => 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=> 詳細-サブ画像10 [11] => 詳細-サブ画像11 ) [size] => Array ( [0] => 1000 [1] => 1000 [2] => 1000 [3] => 1000 [4] => 1000 [5] => 1000 [6] => 1000 [7] => 1000 [8] => 1000 [9] => 1000 [10] => 1000 [11] => 1000 ) [necessary] => Array ( [0] => [1] => [2] => [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => ) [image] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 1 [2] => 1 [3] => 1 [4] => 1 [5] => 1 [6] => 1 [7] => 1 [8] => 1 [9] => 1 [10] => 1 [11] => 1 ) [file_max] => 0 ) [mode] => [arrProduct] => Array ( [product_id] => 72258 [name] => THE KILLERS バンドTシャツ ユニセックス : THE KILLERS BATTLE BORN [status] => 1 [product_flag] => [main_list_comment] => THE KILLERS [comment2] => T-Shirt [comment3] => [comment4] => [comment5] => [comment6] => [note] => サイズ,着丈,身幅,袖丈 M,71,51,18 L,75,56,19 XL,77,60,20 2XL,78,65,21 [comment1] => [bg_white] => [main_list_image] => 07011635_66825c3ba3b0b.jpg [main_comment] => THE KILLERSのグッズが新入荷! 2012年リリースのアルバム『Battle Born』のタイトルグラフィックを落とし込んだTシャツ! ※生産上の都合により仕様変更がある場合がございます。 ※海外製品のため、稀にわずかなシミやプリントのズレがある場合がありますのでご了承のうえお買い求め下さい。 こちら数量限定なのでお早めにどうぞ! [main_image] => 07011635_66825c3b9a9b7.jpg [main_large_image] => 07011635_66825c3b8bffa.jpg [sub_title1] => 1 [sub_comment1] => [sub_image1] => 07011635_66825c450de56.jpg [sub_large_image1] => 07011635_66825c44f2be4.jpg [sub_title2] => [sub_comment2] => [sub_image2] => [sub_large_image2] => [sub_title3] => [sub_comment3] => [sub_image3] => [sub_large_image3] => [sub_title4] => [sub_comment4] => [sub_image4] => [sub_large_image4] => [sub_title5] => [sub_comment5] => [sub_image5] => [sub_large_image5] => [sub_title6] => [sub_comment6] => [sub_image6] => [sub_large_image6] => [sub_title7] => [sub_comment7] => [sub_image7] => [sub_large_image7] => [sub_title8] => [sub_comment8] => [sub_image8] => [sub_large_image8] => [sub_title9] => [sub_comment9] => [sub_image9] => [sub_large_image9] => [sub_title10] => [sub_comment10] => [sub_image10] => [sub_large_image10] => [sub_title11] => [sub_comment11] => [sub_image11] => [sub_large_image11] => [del_flg] => 0 [creator_id] => 2 [create_date] => 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また、一度でも着用済、洗濯、クリーニング済の商品につきましてはいかなる理由でも返品、返金を承りかねます [law_term07] => [law_term08] => [law_term09] => [law_term10] => [email01] => support@gekirock.com [email02] => support@gekirock.com [email03] => support@gekirock.com [email04] => support@gekirock.com [free_rule] => 9000 [shop_name] => GEKIROCK CLOTHING [shop_kana] => ゲキクロ [shop_name_eng] => GEKIROCK CLOTHING [point_rate] => 1 [welcome_point] => 500 [update_date] => 2024-02-06 21:09:09 [top_tpl] => default1 [product_tpl] => default1 [detail_tpl] => default1 [mypage_tpl] => default1 [good_traded] => [message] => [regular_holiday_ids] => [latitude] => [longitude] => [downloadable_days] => 30 [downloadable_days_unlimited] => ) [plugin_activate_flg] => 1 [arrLimitPostMode] => Array ( [0] => cart [1] => add_favorite [2] => add_favorite_sphone [3] => select [4] => select2 [5] => selectItem ) [skip_load_page_layout] => [load_legacy_js] => [timeStart] => 1725567086.3224 [tpl_authority] => [objDisplay] => SC_Display_Ex Object ( [response] => 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2021-09-16 18:38:57 [del_flg] => 0 [ign_size] => 0 [size_image] => tops.jpg [product_count] => 6140 ) ) [1] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [category_id] => 929 [category_name] => バンドTシャツ [category_basename] => band_t_shirt [parent_category_id] => 0 [level] => 1 [rank] => 1018 [creator_id] => 2 [create_date] => 2024-06-18 20:43:23 [update_date] => 2024-06-18 20:43:23 [del_flg] => 0 [ign_size] => 0 [size_image] => [product_count] => 2418 ) ) [2] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [category_id] => 7 [category_name] => アーティスト一覧 [category_basename] => artist [parent_category_id] => 0 [level] => 1 [rank] => 195 [creator_id] => 0 [create_date] => 2010-04-10 14:59:41 [update_date] => 2011-05-21 00:09:35 [del_flg] => 0 [ign_size] => 0 [size_image] => [product_count] => 5949 ) [1] => Array ( [category_id] => 931 [category_name] => THE KILLERS [category_basename] => the_killers [parent_category_id] => 7 [level] => 2 [rank] => 189 [creator_id] => 2 [create_date] => 2024-07-01 16:21:52 [update_date] => 2024-07-01 16:21:52 [del_flg] => 0 [ign_size] => 0 [size_image] => [product_count] => 4 ) ) ) [size_image] => Array ( [tops.jpg] => 1 ) [cat_urls] => Array ( [0] => /new_arrival/&cat=1 [1] => /new_arrival/&cat=929 [2] => /new_arrival/&cat=7 [3] => /artist/the_killers/ ) [cats] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [category_id] => 7 [category_name] => アーティスト一覧 [category_basename] => artist [parent_category_id] => 0 [level] => 1 [rank] => 195 [creator_id] => 0 [create_date] => 2010-04-10 14:59:41 [update_date] => 2011-05-21 00:09:35 [del_flg] => 0 [ign_size] => 0 [size_image] => [product_count] => 5949 ) [1] => Array ( [category_id] => 931 [category_name] => THE KILLERS [category_basename] => the_killers [parent_category_id] => 7 [level] => 2 [rank] => 189 [creator_id] => 2 [create_date] => 2024-07-01 16:21:52 [update_date] => 2024-07-01 16:21:52 [del_flg] => 0 [ign_size] => 0 [size_image] => [product_count] => 4 ) ) [cat] => Array ( [category_id] => 931 [category_name] => THE KILLERS [category_basename] => the_killers [parent_category_id] => 7 [level] => 2 [rank] => 189 [creator_id] => 2 [create_date] => 2024-07-01 16:21:52 [update_date] => 2024-07-01 16:21:52 [del_flg] => 0 [ign_size] => 0 [size_image] => [product_count] => 4 ) [size_image_temp] => Array ( [0] => tops.jpg ) [key] => tops.jpg [relative_banner_num] => 2 [url] => /artist/the_killers/ [php_errormsg] => Undefined index: app [value] => 1 [cat_top] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [category_id] => 7 [category_name] => アーティスト一覧 [category_basename] => artist [parent_category_id] => 0 [level] => 1 [rank] => 195 [creator_id] => 0 [create_date] => 2010-04-10 14:59:41 [update_date] => 2011-05-21 00:09:35 [del_flg] => 0 [ign_size] => 0 [size_image] => [product_count] => 5949 ) [1] => Array ( [category_id] => 931 [category_name] => THE KILLERS [category_basename] => the_killers [parent_category_id] => 7 [level] => 2 [rank] => 189 [creator_id] => 2 [create_date] => 2024-07-01 16:21:52 [update_date] => 2024-07-01 16:21:52 [del_flg] => 0 [ign_size] => 0 [size_image] => [product_count] => 4 ) ) [arrProduct] => Array ( [product_id] => 72258 [name] => THE KILLERS バンドTシャツ ユニセックス : THE KILLERS BATTLE BORN [status] => 1 [product_flag] => [main_list_comment] => THE KILLERS [comment2] => T-Shirt [comment3] => [comment4] => [comment5] => [comment6] => [note] => サイズ,着丈,身幅,袖丈 M,71,51,18 L,75,56,19 XL,77,60,20 2XL,78,65,21 [comment1] => [bg_white] => [main_list_image] => 07011635_66825c3ba3b0b.jpg [main_comment] => THE KILLERSのグッズが新入荷! 2012年リリースのアルバム『Battle Born』のタイトルグラフィックを落とし込んだTシャツ! ※生産上の都合により仕様変更がある場合がございます。 ※海外製品のため、稀にわずかなシミやプリントのズレがある場合がありますのでご了承のうえお買い求め下さい。 こちら数量限定なのでお早めにどうぞ! 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